In other games, loot systems sit more centrally, and few are more central as the card packs in Hearthstone. It’s a complex system with a lot to get your head around, and remember: Battlefield 1 is meant to primarily be an FPS, not a lottery game. The result is a system which ekes out rewards and then asks you to question them and wonder: should you dispose of them in the interests of getting better stuff? And they’re the only way without spending real money that you can access Superior and Enhanced Battlepacks, two upper tiers which have rather better chances of dropping Distinguished or Legendary weapon skins. Here, you can turn your skins into scraps an in-game currency called Scraps, which will buy you more Battlepacks. So that would seem satisfying, if it wasn’t for the scrap system.
Each one is a guaranteed weapon skin or one of a number of pieces of a unique weapon. They used to be randomly awarded, but they recently switched to an Overwatch-like progression bar system for more regular drops. Standard Battlepacks are earned by playing multiplayer matches. One such system is Battlefield 1’s Battlepacks.

The clever-or insidious-bit is how a loot box is wired into a game, and how it doles out its baubles, keeping a player on the knife-edge between feeling hungry and feeling rewarded. What this means is that there is a regular trickle of some kind of reinforcement." Whether you're watching your XP climb up to the next level in Overwatch, or you're collecting scraps in Battlefield 1 by breaking down skins, there's a constant sense of reward leading to reward.

"You're trying to level up, advance your avatar, get rare add-ons, build up game currency, all at the same time. "Modern video games then amplify this idea by having many overlapping variable ratio schedules," says Clark. Skinner conducted trials during the early 1930s in which he conditioned animals to respond to certain stimuli in closed chambers that became known as Skinner Boxes, and showed that even when the rewards were removed, the subject would continue responding for sometimes hundreds of trials, trying to recreate the circumstances in which it got its reward before. What's more, the effect of variable rate reinforcement is very persistent. We know that the dopamine system, which is targeted by drugs of abuse, is also very interested in unpredictable rewards. Dopamine cells are most active when there is maximum uncertainty, and the dopamine system responds more to an uncertain reward than the same reward delivered on a predictable basis." "We know that the dopamine system, which is targeted by drugs of abuse, is also very interested in unpredictable rewards.
Why do loot boxes provide such a dark compulsion? Psychologists call the principle by which they work on the human mind ' variable rate reinforcement.' "The player is basically working for reward by making a series of responses, but the rewards are delivered unpredictably," says Dr Luke Clark, director at the Center for Gambling Research at the University of British Columbia. (opens in new tab) The psychology of loot Loot boxes are appearing in more triple-A games, like Gears of War 4.