The Infinity GamePaX has only been available for free download since about 2009, and this will be the first update to the games since that time. On balance, though, we think this is a good move and we hope you'll agree.
Apple doesn't provide us with any way to identify our customers on the Mac App Store.

We're bringing the games to the Mac App Store for the first time.Īs a result of this transition, we won't be able to offer upgrade pricing to previous customers who previously purchased through our iX Connect system.

We are currently in the middle of updating the illumineX Infinity Game PaX for macOS 10.12 (Sierra). The current management really likes games.” I have a fantastic new sandpaper letter book to share with you tomorrow! It's in cursive and it's beautiful.“I guess the previous management didn't like games. Both of these books have a detailed section on I Spy and other sound games.
If you are wanting extension ideas or more detailed information on how to play I suggest Montessori Read and Write: A Parents' Guide to Literacy for Children and Basic Montessori: Learning Activities for Under-Fives. We will end the game if Otis gets too silly but he will often pretend he is a snake, or the snake will eat the cat or there will be tickles with the feather etc. It should include lots of giggles and laughter. It is so important that this is played as a game - that it is fun, that the child (and the parent) enjoys it. In the tray below there are three items that start with 'c' - this makes it harder for Otis but he has a lot of fun, I will ask him to find all three - crab, cow and cat. By this time the child may be sounding out all the letters in a word and using sandpaper letters and movable alphabet. Once you are playing with much success (and this may be many months later) begin to play the game with the letter the words end in "I spy with my little eye something that ends with _'.Begin with obvious items and over time move to more discreet objects. Start playing the game using objects in the room you can see.This is the level Otis is now at but his success is variable. Increase the difficulty with similar sounds or objects with the same starting letter. Slowly increase the number of objects to five or six.Once they know how to play the game they may like to be the one who says "I spy with my little eye something that begins with _" and you have to be the one to guess the object. You may like to take turns with the child. Play as above and only prompt your child if necessary. For example try 'a' apple and 'b' banana or 'd' dog and 'c' cat. Ensure the letters the objects start with are not similar, for example don't use 'b' and 'd' or 'd' and 'p'. Use two objects that start with different letters."I spy with my little eye something that starts with buh (pause) buh - nana." Ensure you clearly articulate your sounds. Prompt the child if necessary and say the whole word. Allow the child time to guess and name the object. Place the object in front of the child and say "I spy with my little eye something that beings with _". Start with one object the child is familiar with.I've shown three games I have used with Otis as examples. This is why we find model animals and everyday household objects work so well. It's a good idea to use objects that the child is already familiar with. Start with one object and work from there. Later the game can be played anywhere, waiting rooms, markets or casually while out driving in the car. To begin with it's easiest to play while at home on a tray or workmat. I Spy can be played at a level suited to the child. I Spy is a great way to extend that awareness to other objects - you could even use photographs of people! If a child is talking about letters it's a good indication they are wanting to know more and often children will start noticing and working them out themselves.Īs with many children Otis' awareness started with the letter of his name 'o' Otis, his brother 'c' 'Caspar and Mum and Dad. I Spy is such an important game to play at home because children are often learning and are interested in letters long before they start school.